During Autumn and Winter I start offering a mini equine black background photoshoot which is the perfect way to dip your toe into what a photoshoot is like without having a whole photoshoot. They are also can produce some beautiful fine art style pictures perfect for displaying. I have created this post to help you prepare for your own black background session. I will discuss what type of shots you can choose from, how to prepare for your session and what a session includes.

Type of Black Background Shots
There are a range of different shots we can get during a black background session. It is completely up to you what type of shots you would like, some people like to have a range of all 3 and others might only want one type. It also sometimes depends on if you are having your photoshoot at the beginning of Autumn or closer to Christmas.
The three different types you can choose from are:
Christmas wreath shots,
Pictures of you and your horse,
Individual horse shots.
How To Prepare For Your Photoshoot
There is not much you need to do to prepare for your black background photoshoot as with any photoshoot it is a good idea to:
Clean any tack or headcollars your horse will be wearing- I can edit out headcollars if you would like it to look liek your horse was stood without one.
Make sure your horse is as clean as possible,
If you are clipping your horse before try and make sure the clip been done in time for any lines to have faded,
If you are going to be in the shots think about your outfit choice- I am happy to discuss this with you prior to your photoshoot if you would like some guidance.
For a black background image it is best if we have some directional light hitting your horses head. So I normally suggest that we use a field shelter, barn or stable to create the images. Then your horse will stand in the entrance so that the light hits their face and the background is darker. In editing I will then darken the background to black and remove any lead ropes or headcollars you would like removed.
What An Equine Black Background Photoshoot With Me Includes
- 20 minutes of shooting time,
- 3 digital images,
- Online viewing gallery to view your images,
- Discounts available for multiple horses or yard photoshoots.
All of this for just £50 per horse!
(There may be a small travel fee to cover fuel costs depending on your location)